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2020 Power Transmission & Motion Control Market Size Report

The 100-page PDF report, the 2020 Power Transmission & Motion Control Market Size Report, provides deeper segmentations and analysis than what the PTDA Market Analyzer dashboards provide on this website. It includes more data and analysis on PTDA member sales across product category and by channel. A table of contents on page 2 provides a comprehensive guide to each of the U.S. Canada and Mexico markets.

2020 PTDA Market Size Datasets

This Excel spreadsheet provides a complete set of tables from the interactive PTDA Market Analyzer on this website, with additional segmentation details for Total Available Market (TAM) and Distributor Available Market (DAM) calculations.

2022 Update Report

This six-page report provides an update through calendar year 2021 to the 2020 market size report above at a national market level for the United States, Canada and Mexico. It includes an updated forecast through 2026 for the 14 U.S. PT/MC product categories profiled in this report. The 2020 report provides deeper analysis and benchmarking by territory and customer segments.